This post will finally finish off the tour of the Light World in my Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past Hyrule Build.
This makes the 11th post in my series of this project spanning 3 years (with massive gaps in between). To help you get caught up, here is the history:
- Project Start (Hyrule Castle) - March 2013
- Eastern Palace - August 2013
- Sewers and Sanctuary - September 2013
- Death Mountain / Tower of Hera - December 2013
- Zora's Domain / Lake Hylia - April 2014
- Swamp / Misc Updates - November 2014
- Wooded Area (Flute Boy's Grotto) - November 2014
- Desert Palace - December 2014
- General Progress Update - February 2016
- Kakariko Village - February 2016
- Lost Woods / Finishing Touches (this post) - February 2016
When I started thinking about the Lost Woods, I knew I wanted it to be someplace a little darker, but not overly dark. My first thought was to make it like a dense jungle, but Zora's Domain is "jungle like" in it's design. I next though I'd change all the grass to Podzol and use that instead, but when implemented, it just didn't look right. I finally settled on changing the biome to Roofed Forest so it would be a little bit darker. I also created larger trees using the same basic template only with dark oak wood and leaves. I did still use Podzol, but it's no longer covering everything. There is also not a vine in site. But enough babbling, lets get to the photos.
I'm actually starting off in Kakariko Village looking north through the two paths leading to the woods. The first is the northwest path, the second is the center path.
The below photo is the path by the fortune teller's house. For the remainder of the photos, I set the time to night. I think the woods truly shine at night as opposed to day.
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In we go. |
After placing the trees, I added additional leaves to create a canopy above some of the smaller areas. There are still several open areas, such as the one below. Because of this design, it's hard to give a great overview of what the area looks like, but it's not meant to be viewed from overhead anyways.
Looking at some of the areas, you might think "these dead ends are pointless. I can jump over them." That would be true if it weren't for the barrier blocks. I wanted to maintain the vision and maze-like appearance of the area without allowing shortcuts due to jumping. This is the only area in the world (so far) that uses barrier blocks. Everywhere else has either 2 high walls or higher blocking you from getting to where you're not supposed to be.
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A game of chance perhaps? |
I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to do the Master Sword podium until I thought about what would be the exact opposite of all the darkness, and that turned out to be Quartz. For just winging it, I really like how this turned out.
And of course, there is the thieves den, complete with not-so-secret entrance.
So that's my Lost Woods. From here, we move on to the Wood Cutter's hut south towards the Blacksmith's Hut.
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The cave behind their hut / under their "odd" tree. |
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The path to their house, with entrance to Death Mountain on the right. |
And finally, the tree-filled area between the Castle and Kakariko. This area shares similarities to the original, but again, because of the full sized castle, I had to add more trees and stretch it out quite a bit. It still has the basic tree shapes though, so I call it good.
And that completes everything new in the world. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been doing some cleanup with sight-lines and new blocks since older areas were built before new blocks were introduced. One of the more prominent areas is the castle and throne room. When I started, all the 'lanterns' around the courtyard and inside were glowstone. They looked okay, but I never truly liked it. On a whim, I switched them to sea lanterns and it really looks much better. I also rebuilt the thrones and used carpet and banners instead of wool, signs, and other items.
There are other little touches like this around the world that I'll be making, probably too many to bother listing. But, that's all for now.
Thank you very much for taking the time to view this project. I am very pleased with the way it turned out and am glad to be able to share it with you, even if it is only in screenshots (for now). Now, it's on to the Dark World in hopefully a lot less time than 3 years.
Thanks for reading
- Ebi Furya