Sunday, September 8, 2013

Minecraft - Link to the Past Hyrule - Sewers & Sanctuary

This is Part 3 of my Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Hyrule recreation in Minecraft. [Part 1 Here | Part 2 Here] This time, we head back into the Castle's Throne Room and begin our jaunt through the sewers to the Sanctuary and surrounding area
In the castle's Throne Room is a hidden passage behind the thrones. To access it, place a switch on the gray wool and voila. Jump down into the hole (you'll land in water) and you're on your one-way trip through the sewers.

The sewers follow a near identical path underground. The one thing I need to go back and do is add in water. Without it, they just feel empty. I also wanted to keep it darker down there, which is why you find fewer torches.

Eventually you arrive at the entrance into the Sanctuary and the room with the two switches. The right switch activates the hidden door to open up inside the Sanctuary.

I really like how the inside of the Sanctuary turned out. I think it fits well with both game and world.

Recreating detail from the game in Minecraft is difficult on an accurate scale, but I tried my best to capture as much as possible. Some, better than others.

Finally, we come to the grounds outside. First, the courtyard in front of Sanctuary.

Moving down the line to the East, we get into the graveyard. This area was a little difficult to line everything up correctly, but I think it worked well in the end.

In the game, two of the gravestones are open-able to allow access to secret areas. In trying to reproduce this in Minecraft, I had to do a few interesting things.

The first gravestone that opens takes you back into the Sewers and the 300 Ruppee room. This is done by placing a switch on the gray wool which opens a shaft to fall into. Once down there, you trip a wire which breaks the switch and closes the door behind you. You can then run through a long tunnel before finally dropping down in front of the chests.

The second opening gravestone is accessed again with a switch on gray wool, but this one is less obvious. The wool is located in the treeline behind the gravestone. Place your switch to open the way to your prize. This time, a special button activates a staircase to let you out.

If you continue past the graveyard and head south towards the front of the castle, you'll quickly notice that the path to the bridge is a lot longer than it should be. This is part of the world where I had to stretch things out to accommodate the size of the castle. I think it works though.

Back to Sanctuary and head West a little and you'll run out of land. That's where I stopped before heading up Death Mountain. That's the topic of the next post: Death Mountain and the Tower of Herra.