I'm so bummed out. My hard drive crapped out on me a few days back and I lost quite a bit of information. The greatest loss was my Legend of Zelda Link to the Past Hyrule build. Luckily, I had made a backup at the beginning of February, so not all is lost. What I did end up losing was all the progress I made in the Dark World, as well as the last chunk of work in the Light World after the Lost Woods. Guess I need to make backups more frequently...
On the plus side, I've also discovered
ATLauncher which gives you one click backups of your saves. I've loaded the backup I had there and updated the world to 1.9. Well, I've got some work to re-do. Glad I have the screenshots though. That should make reproducing it smoother.
Speaking of
ATLauncher, I've fallen in love with
Sky Factory 2. In my world, I've done so much and I'm producing a stupid amount of resources and it all started with a tree and a dirt block. So much fun figuring everything out. Challenge wise, I've completed the Wood, Stone, Farming, Exploration, and Machine Ages and am working on the Age of Power and Age of Dragons and looking towards the Age of Insanity. I actually have a 1k by 1k Ender Quarry running in the Deep Dark already. That took a while to place... Anyways, here's a peek into my world:
An overview of my base. Monster spawning area on lower right, house in the center, max size reactor framed out, tainted soil room on left. The only thing not shown is another building with 5 blaze spawners (it's behind me). |
The "processing" level. Just finished this up last night. It takes End Stone and Cobble Stone and grinds it down to Crushed End Stone, Gravel, Sand and Dust. Those are sieved down to produce Crushed Ores which get auto-hammered to Pulverized Ores which get auto-hammered to Powdered Ores which then get smelted into ingots. Very efficient and produces a ton of stuff. |
A peek into my base. Nothing special, but it's "home". LOVE the Ultimate Furnace from Magical Crops. |