A few weeks back, I bought a copy of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster off a friend at church and I've been playing it quite a bit. It brings back a lot of memories running through Spira once more and I'm glad I acquired it.
I've played several other HD Remasters of older PS2 games and this is definitely one of the better ones. Quite often, I've been playing other games and all I could think about was how "last gen" the game was. Yes, the graphics looked better, but it was still slow and clunky behind that compared to more modern games. Fortunately, FF X still holds its own. Yes, it has quirks that scream PS2 like awkward animation and camera, but the gameplay is still solid, even after all these years.
Story wise, I haven't completed it yet. Even though it's an old game, I still don't want to spoil it, so I'll just say I've completed Zanarkand and am doing side-quests now. In fact, last night I acquired an item I was never able to get in the original PS2 version. I beat the Chocobo Trainer with a time of 0:0:0. I'll finally be able to get Titus' Celestial Weapon! (His was the only one I didn't have before).
I've ran into some of the Dark Aeons and have managed to die horribly each and every time. They are going to be a challenge for sure. I know I can beat Nemesis in the Arena (I did last time and I'm so far doing better now than I was then), and we'll have to see how things go later on.
I read my old review of the game and I gave it a 9.5/10, a score I still stand behind.
Eventually, I'll complete X and move on to X-2 and see if it is as well redone as X.